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OSHA's Heat Illness Campaign in Full Swing; "Heat App" Available

July 6 2012
Safety and Health

For the second summer in a row, OSHA has kicked off a national outreach initiative to educate workers and their employers about the hazards of working outdoors in hot weather.

“For outdoor workers, ‘water, rest and shade’ are three words that can make the difference between life and death,” Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis said. “If employers take reasonable precautions, and look out for their workers, we can beat the heat.”

“It is essential for workers and employers to take proactive steps to stay safe in extreme heat, and become aware of symptoms of heat exhaustion before they get worse,” added Dr. David Michaels, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health.

To help spread the word, OSHA has created a free smart phone app that enables workers and supervisors to monitor the heat index at their work sites. The app, which has been downloaded more than 25,000 times, displays a risk level for workers based on the heat index, as well as reminders about protective measures that should be taken at that risk level. Available for Android-based platforms and the iPhone, the app can be downloaded in both English and Spanish by visiting http://s.dol.gov/RI.

More information on the heat illness prevention campaign is available at http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/heatillness/index.html.

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