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Study finds significant advancements in familiarity, satisfaction with TAUC

August 24 2009

Several months ago, The Association of Union Constructors commissioned a professional research firm to conduct a membership study.

The firm reached out to every association member by electronic survey, mail or telephone, and experienced an unusually high response rate, lending additional credibility to the results.

The results of the study are already directly influencing both day-to-day operations and long-term strategic planning of the association.


  • 54% of members are moderately or highly familiar with TAUC;
  • Among those with high familiarity, 59% are highly satisfied;
  • 40% of members are highly interested in becoming more involved with TAUC;
  • 91% recall receiving at least one TAUC publication; and,
  • 98% of those who recall receiving the publication actually read it.

    Additional key findings will be released in the Fall 2009 issue of The Construction User, which is scheduled to ship in mid-September.

    Questions about the membership study can be referred to Todd Mustard at 703.524.3336 x112.


    The Association of Union Constructors is the premier national trade association representing the 21st Century union construction industry. TAUC consists of more than 2,500 union contractors, local union contractor associations and vendors in the industrial maintenance and construction field. We demonstrate union construction is the best option because it is safer and more productive, and it provides a higher-quality and cost-competitive product.

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