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The Iron Worker Employers Association of Western Pennsylvania

November 19 2004

The Ironworker Employer Association of Western Pennsylvania is a Trade Association of union contractors who perform work throughout the region utilizing iron workers from Local 3, Pittsburgh, PA and Local 772, Clearfield, PA. The Association was founded in 1956 to develop and foster a labor/management relationship which would benefit the Union Construction Industry throughout the years. To help accomplish this, the following goals and objectives were established:

Labor Relations

  • To foster and promote the interest of those engaged in all aspects of the Ironworking Industry and Trade. To also develop and maintain a harmonious working relationship with Iron Worker Locals 3 and 772, as well as the office of their International Union Headquarters which is located in Washington, DC.
  • To negotiate a collective bargaining agreement with respect to wages, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment with Iron Workers Local 3, Pittsburgh, PA and Local 772, Clearfield, PA.
  • Establish a system whereby labor disputes are settled quickly and amicably. ยท Establish a working relationship with all building trades craft unions.


  • To develop a relationship with the local and national offices of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) so that they are aware of the Association?s position on vital issues.
  • Work with national organizations on specific selected issues of importance to Association Members and respective unions who deal with this Association.


  • Work with Iron Workers Locals 3 and 772 along with their International Union Office and other local and national associations on selected legislative issues regarding the construction industry with a focus on the Ironworking Industry.
  • Develop relationships with various representatives and/or officials of local, state, and federal government who support various Association positions.


  • To develop a marketing plan to help promote a consistent level of employment in the Ironworking Industry.
  • Meet with general contractors, construction managers, local government officials, and private owners to market Association Members and their services.
  • Attend local school and vocational seminars to promote the opportunities available in our Industry in both management and craftsman roles.


  • Conduct or co-sponsor training seminars for both management and union members.
  • Assist both Locals 3 and 772 in identifying current trends in the market and set up training and estimating programs to meet those needs.


  • Collect and disseminate pertinent information on all ironworker topics to Association members.
  • Promote the Ironworking Industry through partnering relationships with other Associations and Building Trades Unions both local and national.
  • Provide a forum wherein problems and opinions regarding the Ironworking Industry may be discussed and such resolutions adopted or action taken which the Association deems is in its best interest regarding promotion of the Industry and protection of the Association?s interest.
  • Establish and maintain a set of fair and equitable standards governing the relations between Association members and their respective employees.

The IWEA has developed specific criteria for membership in the organization. The information below will clearly define the types of membership and what can be expected from your participation in the organization.

Classes of Members

The Association has three classes of membership:

  • Regular Member
  • Associate Member
  • Affiliate Member

A) Regular Member – is broken down into two classifications: Building Industry Members and Heavy Highway Members.

1. Building Industry Members – shall be an individual firm, partnership, and/or corporation who is engaged in the erection of structural steel and/or other related items to the Ironworking Industry. These materials would be erected in conjunction with bridges, commercial and industrial maintenance structures, as well as other related buildings or structures. Each Building Industry Member shall be entitled to vote and hold an Association elected office.

2. Heavy Highway Members ? shall be an individual firm, partnership, or corporation who is engaged in the erection of reinforcing materials and fence erection on heavy highway designated type projects such as bridge decks, bridge piers, water and sewage treatment plants, and other types of structures as identified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Each Heavy Highway Member shall be entitled to one vote at any General and/or Heavy Highway Meeting of the Association and may hold an Association elected office.

B) Associate Member ? shall be any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation who has an appropriate relationship to the Ironworking Industry and to the Association; such as rental companies, fabricators, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, vendors and/or suppliers who represent worthy products or services that are used by Association Members and Contractors in the Ironworking Industry. An Associate Member shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association except it shall not have voting rights or be entitled to hold Association office.

C) Affiliate Member ? shall be any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation who has a relationship with the Ironworking Industry and/or the Association but which is not engaged to any on-site construction or maintenance work. Members in this class would consist of attorneys, accountants, insurance agencies, etc. An Affiliate Member shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association except it shall not have voting rights or be entitled to hold Association office.

All Building Industry Members and Heavy Highway Members shall designate their membership, in writing, on a form provided by the Association in one of the following two categories:

A. Bargaining Unit Member ? a Bargaining Unit Member shall be one which voluntarily assigns its collective bargaining rights to the Association. A member in this category is entitled to one vote at all General and/or Building Industry Meetings of the Association. This membership classification is entitled to hold all Association elected offices.

B. Non-Bargaining Unit Member – a Non-Bargaining Unit Member is one which does not assign any collective bargaining rights to the Association. Non-Bargaining Members shall not be able to participate or vote on any issue/s which relate to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. This group of members shall hold an International Agreement with the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers, Washington, DC. Non-Bargaining Members cannot be officers of the Association. However, they may be on its Board of Directors. No more than two (2) Non-Bargaining Members can be on the Board at any one time.

Designation, in either category, must be made at the time of initial membership application. A legitimate change in category can only be made in writing and must be approved by the Board of Directors of this Association prior to such change being final.

For additional information on the IWEA and its members, visit our web site at www.iwea.com or email William Ligetti at iwea@aol.com.

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