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Advertise with TAUC in 2012 -- new media kit available!

December 13 2011

Our magazine, The Construction User, is turning a new page in 2012, with an updated look and more relevant features for the union construction industry. Now is the perfect time to jump on board and secure ad space. Each quarterly issue is read by more than 9,000 industry executives. You can download the latest issue in PDF format by clicking here.

Attractive advertising opportunities are also available for our monthly member e-newsletter, TAUC About Construction, and our newly redesigned website.

Click on the link below to download our new media kit in PDF format.

Advertising questions? Contact Janice Jenkins (jjenkins@brunmedia.com or 724-929-3550) or Tom Brun (tbrun@brunmedia.com or 724-539-2404) today!

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