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– What is The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC)?
TAUC is an association of concerned union contractors, primarily engaged in steel erection, industrial maintenance and construction, whose vision is to enhance and advance the union construction industry.
– Who is eligible to become a member of TAUC?
Any organization or individual that is interested in advancing and enhancing the union construction industry is eligible for membership in TAUC.
– What is TAUC?s mission statement?
The mission of TAUC is to act as an advocate in advancing and enhancing the value of the union construction industry through an educated and action driven membership by fostering the promotion of labor-management cooperation, workplace safety and health, and collaboration with construction users in order to help union contractors compete more effectively in the marketplace.
– Why should I become a member of TAUC?
By joining TAUC, you become part of an association of thousands of like-minded contractors pulling in the same direction to help strengthen the union construction industry. Through focused efforts with our partners in labor and management you?ll be part of the solution to return union construction to the market share it once had in the industry. You?ll also enjoy the products and services that an association of this caliber can provide.
– I am already a member of another association, why do I need to be a member of TAUC?
Our association is a place where the issues and conflicts that affect all union contractors in the industry are dealt with head on; our intent is not to take the place of other organizations. Further TAUC has a relationship with 14 international unions that participate under the NMAPC program and interacts with these organizations on a daily basis.
– What do I get for being a member of TAUC?
As a member of TAUC you will have direct access to industry related information, products and services, networking opportunities to help grow your business, and a team of labor relations professionals available to answer questions and provide money and time saving advice. You are also part of an organization that supports the mission of like-minded union contractors such as yourself, not to mention the power that the voice of several thousand contractors working together can provide.
– Why did the NMAPC administrative fees increase?
A portion of your NMAPC administrative fees include membership in TAUC, the most powerful union employer association in the construction industry! Members have access to personalized and improved website data, marketing services to the owner community, as well as member driven development of new value-added services.
– Who can I contact with questions about billing and administrative fees?
Please contact Pamela Livinski, (703) 841-9707 ext. 114 if you are a contractor that is part of the NMAPC.
Please contact Nanette Lester, (703) 841-9707 ext. 115, for all other billing questions.
– What are the different levels of TAUC membership?
There are a number of different classes of membership within TAUC. They include:
Governing Member
TAUC governing members take on a more involved role in the association. Our committed governing members understand and accept the responsibility that must be undertaken to ensure that union construction?s market share increases in the industry. They also give of their time and energy to head the association?s committees, task forces, and other impromptu subcommittees developed based on the needs of our membership. Governing members are entitled to vote at TAUC membership meetings, have an opportunity to serve on the TAUC Board of Directors and are eligible for other association governance positions.
Regular Member
TAUC regular members are union contractors dedicated to advancing and enhancing the value of union construction. Their collaborative efforts with other TAUC members help all union contractors compete more effectively in the construction industry. Regular members are engaged in industrial construction and/or maintenance by virtue of being signatory to one or more of the National Maintenance Agreements (NMA).
Local Employer Organizations (LEOs)
TAUC local employer organizations (LEOs) are comprised of regional, state, or local union employer associations whose mission and purposes are consistent with that of TAUC?s. This nationwide network lends its voice to the areas of labor relations, safety and health, as well as legislative issues. LEOs have access to the highest level of labor relations and safety services from TAUC?s staff of experienced industry professionals. They are also invited to participate in quarterly meetings exclusively for LEO members where they can network and exchange ideas with other like minded organizations.
Affiliate Members
TAUC Affiliate members optimize the visibility of their organization through networking, sponsorship and advertising opportunities many of which are not available to groups outside the association. These companies provide products, services, equipment and information to construction contractors and operate in a manner consistent with our commitment to the union construction industry.
– How is TAUC different from the NEA?
TAUC represents an evolutionary step forward from the NEA. It is designed to represent a broader and more diverse segment of the union construction industry. This expanded membership will allow TAUC members to have a greater voice in facilitating improvements of the union construction industry nationwide.
– What if I only want to be a NMAPC signatory contractor and not a member of TAUC?
As a NMAPC signatory contractor you are automatically enrolled as a TAUC regular member, it is your sole discretion to remain a member or not. However, your administrative fees will remain at the same level, in which case all fees will go to the NMAPC. Since your fees are the same, it only makes sense to take advantage of the services that TAUC has to offer.
– What if I only want to become a member of TAUC but not be a NMAPC signatory contractor?
Any organization or individual that is interested in advancing and enhancing the union construction industry is eligible for membership in TAUC. You do not have to be a NMAPC signatory contractor.
– Why should I become a Governing Member of TAUC?
As a governing member your organization is entitled to vote at TAUC membership meetings, have an opportunity to serve on the TAUC Board of Directors and be eligible for further association governance positions (i.e. officer, committee chairmanships, committee appointments), you are also eligible to serve as a management representative to the NMAPC and to receive expanded services from TAUC.
– What is the relationship between the NMAPC and TAUC?
The NMAPC is an incorporated labor-management committee that governs and administers a national collective bargaining agreement for the performance of industrial maintenance and construction across the United States. TAUC is an all union contractor association. Together they have a common goal: the advancement of union construction.
– Who is the primary contact person?
Mike Dorsey, (703) 524-3336 ext. 122 or mdorsey@tauc.org, is the first point of contact for inquiries about TAUC.
– Will my current username and password transfer?
Yes, your existing username and password will transfer. If you are a new user
Click here to create a new username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, Click here.
– Will your address and contact numbers remain the same?
Yes, TAUC will continue to use the current address, 1501 Lee Hwy, Suite 202, Arlington, VA 22209, and the current phone number (703) 524-3336 and fax number (703) 524-3364.
– How do I learn more about TAUC?
Information about TAUC is available on this website, or by contacting us via telephone, fax or mail.
You can reach Mike Dorsey in our office, (703) 524-3336 ext. 122 or mdorsey@tauc.org, to have any questions answered regarding TAUC.