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OSHA extends comment period on injury reporting requirements

October 4 2011

OSHA announced late last month that due to requests from stakeholders, it is extending the comment period on revising the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for work-related injuries and illnesses.

Individuals interested in submitting comments must now do so by Oct. 28, 2011.

“Under the revised proposal, employers would be required to report to OSHA any work-related fatalities and all in-patient hospitalizations within eight hours, and work-related amputations within 24 hours,” OSHA said. “OSHA’s current regulation requires employers to report to OSHA, within eight hours, all work-related fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations of three or more employees. OSHA is also proposing to update Appendix A of the recordkeeping rule that lists industries partially exempt from the requirements to maintain work-related injury or illness logs. These industries received partial exemption because of their relatively low injury and illness rates.”

For more information, view the Federal Register notice.

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