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TAUC Safety Committee Changes Name to Reflect Expanding Industry Roles

January 6 2016

The TAUC Board of Directors in December 2015 approved a name change for the TAUC Safety and Health Committee. Going forward, it will be known as the TAUC Environmental Health and Safety Committee.

Why the change? When the committee was established years ago, members were primarily engaged in safety and health support roles within their organizations. However, over the last decade – and especially within the last five years – safety professionals have seen a dramatic expansion in their roles and responsibilities. In addition to traditional safety and health tasks, safety professionals are often required to fulfill environmental obligations as well, providing valuable services to customers on their projects.

For example, while many employers are rightfully focused on following OSHA regulations, they may forget there are also requirements set forth by EPA for proper disposal of hazardous waste. Many Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professionals ensure employees comply with the proper disposal requirements and also conduct training on these methods; when necessary, EHS professionals are also responsible for compliance with regulations concerning Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER).

Additionally, TAUC member EHS professionals often handle the waste disposal duties within their own companies. This includes the management of scrap and waste in their fabrication shops, as well as the proper manifesting for transporting such materials for recycling or disposal in accordance with DOT and EPA rules.

Current committee chair Joe Lasky of Scheck Industries believed it was important that the committee’s name accurately reflect the new responsibilities of its members. As a result of his efforts, the Board last month approved changing the name to the TAUC Environmental Health and Safety Committee.

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