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TAUC supports U.S. Army Reserve Employer Partnership Initiative

July 2 2009

IMGXYZ371IMGZYXThe Association of Union Constructors co-signed a memorandum of mutual support with the U.S. Army Reserve as part of the military’s new Employer Partnership Initiative on July 2.

The initiative encourages employers to give special consideration to members of the U.S. Army Reserve during the hiring process.

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TAUC Chief Executive Officer Stephen R. Lindauer said The Association of Union Constructors is committed to demonstrating unparalleled support to returning veterans.

“Union construction offers individuals a highly-rewarding career path,” Lindauer said.

“We can think of no better match than union construction and our country’s exemplary Warrior-Citizens who have a well-earned reputation of leadership, teamwork, discipline and grace under pressure.”

The public signing ceremony was held at 10:00 a.m. on July 2, 2009, at the Pentagon.

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