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TAUC's First Webinar Is a Huge Success

May 10 2007

The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC) held its first online training seminar (Webinar) on April 27, 2007 for construction professionals.

The one-hour Webinar, entitled Perfecting the Pre-Job Conference, garnered approximately 100 participants from around the country.

The follow-up survey conducted immediately after the Webinar yielded some interesting facts:

· This was the first Webinar for more than 80 percent of the attendees.

· More than 80 percent found the TAUC Webinar to be a “valuable experience.”

· More than 60 percent indicated that they will definitely participate in the next Webinar, with an additional 30 percent indicating that they would consider participating next time.

· A full 100 percent found participating from a technological standpoint as either “easy” or “not too difficult.”

· Seventy percent of the respondents found the value of the Webinar relative to the cost of participation as either “providing more value than expected” or was “equal to the value of the price they paid.” However, seeing that a full 30 percent found the price to be at least somewhat higher than expected, yet also found the Webinar to be a “very valuable experience,” TAUC has decided to lower the participation fee for the remaining Webinars in the series.

· When attendees were asked to suggest topics of interest for future Webinars, suggested were:

  • Perfecting Work Assignments
  • Resolving Jurisdiction Disputes (several indications)
  • In-depth Discussion of ‘me too’ Issues
  • Worker Safety Awareness and Practices
  • National Drug Policy Discussion
  • Dealing With/Utilizing the NMA Grievance Procedure
  • General Discussion about the NMA (several indications)

As a result of the survey question, which overwhelmingly indicated that participants would benefit most from discussions about “Jurisdiction Disputes” and “How to Use the NMA”, TAUC will be hosting Webinars on both of those topics in the near future.

The “How to Use the NMA” Webinar will be provided mid-August and the “Jurisdiction Disputes” topic will be covered in November. Exact times and dates will be provided soon.

The Perfecting the Pre-Job Conference Webinar will be archived on TAUC’s Web site, www.tauc.org, for one year and will be available for viewing at a discounted rate. Governing TAUC members receive access to all of TAUC’s programs and services free of charge. For further information about the TAUC Webinar Series or to suggest a topic of discussion, contact Mike Dorsey, TAUC Manager of Membership, at (703) 524-3336 ext 122, or via email at mdorsey@tauc.org.

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