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The Construction User 2.0 - Episode 1: The History and Origins of "The Construction User"

February 21 2023

Welcome to The Construction User 2.0 podcast. On this show, we explore the latest labor trends, industry insights, and important issues in the world of construction. For our first episode, host Kirk Westwood, TAUC’s Director of Marketing, welcomes Todd Mustard, VP of TAUC, who shares the origin story of The Construction Magazine and how this podcast will replace it, providing a more timely distribution of valuable information to our audience.

Todd Mustard, VP of The Association of Union Constructors, coordinates the government affairs activities of the association, serves as staff liaison to TAUC’s Government Affairs Committee and works with various legislative coalitions including the Construction Employers of America, the Alliance for Industrial Efficiency, the Carbon Capture Coalition, and the Energy4Us Coalition.

You’ll hear Todd discuss the founding of The Construction User magazine in 2004, the reasons for turning the physical magazine into a podcast, and how TAUC and the podcast will develop pertinent content for both our industry audience, and those outside the union construction space.

The Construction User 2.0 podcast is brought to you by The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC). Your host, Kirk Westwood, is Director of Marketing for TAUC. Kirk has helped many organizations tell their stories as a photographer, blogger, web-streamer, and consultant. In each episode, we’ll explore the latest labor trends, industry insights, and important issues in the world of construction. Our guests are industry leaders, subject matter experts, and innovative visionaries discussing how we are building the ‘world of tomorrow.’ TAUC is made up of more than 1,800 contractor companies that utilize union labor for their projects, as well as local contractor associations and vendors in the industrial maintenance and construction fields. TAUC’s mission is to act as an advocate for union contractors and enhance cooperation between all parties to achieve the successful completion of construction projects.

Discussion points:

  • One thing for a desert island – a Swiss Army knife
  • How The Construction User magazine was born in 2004
  • The purpose and goals of The Construction User 2.0 podcast – pushing timely  information out more often
  • Developing future podcast content – appealing topics for our three-pronged audience, and those outside our industry
  • Union construction – vital for worker’s voices, living wages, setting an example
  • We welcome feedback, guest suggestions, and community engagement


The Construction User 2.0 Podcast Website

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Todd Mustard TAUC

Kirk Westwood TAUC

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